White bellied carpet viper echis leucogaster.
West africa carpet viper.
West african carpet viper primarily nocturnal the west african carpet viper echis ocellatus is 1 to 2 feet long with speckled light to dark brown dorsal scales and a light colored belly.
West african carpet viper echis ocellatus.
Ariadne van zandbergen getty images.
They have a characteristic threat display rubbing sections of their body together to produce a sizzling warning sound.
Black mamba dendroaspis polylepis.
The west african carpet viper is the most dangerous snake in africa responsible for more serious snakebites and deaths than any other species and it is a strong candidate for the title of most dangerous snake in the world.
Carinatus westafrikanische sandrasselotter f zool.
Burton s carpet viper is the name given to echis coloratus or painted saw scaled viper of eastern egypt palestine syria and israel.
It is responsible for more human fatalities due to snakebite than all other african species combined.
Black necked spitting cobra naja nigricollis.
Rinkhals hemachatus haemachatus.
Monovalent antivenom is effective and should be administered.
This snake accounts for 69 of snake bite related death in nigeria causing over 1 450 deaths nationwide.
This carpet viper stands as the most dangerous snake in nigeria.
The ocellated carpet viper or echis ocellatus inhabits the countries of senegal gambia and gulf of guinea in the african continent.
Mozambique spitting cobra naja mossambica.
Saw scaled vipers carpet vipers is a genus of venomous vipers found in the dry regions of africa the middle east india sri lanka and pakistan.
The name echis is the latin transliteration of the greek word for viper ἔχις.
Echis ocellatus known by the common names west african carpet viper and ocellated carpet viper is a highly venomous species of viper endemic to west africa no subspecies are currently recognized.
This is typically a desert species.
Puff adder bitis arietans.
West african carpet viper echis ocellatus syn.
The cape cobra naja nivea is found across southern africa favoring dry areas including desert and arid savannah regions.
The west african carpet viper has a distinctive threat display which involves rubbing its coils together to create a loud sizzling sound.
A sidewinder it lifts its upper body braces its head and pulls the remaining coils along without touching the ground at an angle.
Snouted cobra naja annulifera.
West african carpet viper echis ocellatus syn.
The west african carpet viper s venom is potently cytotoxic causing severe pain swelling blistering and in many cases severe tissue damage.
The west african carpet viper also known as the ocellated carpet viper echis ocellatus is a venomous serpent endemic to the countries of west africa is responsible highest number of snakebite related fatalities in africa.