Unknown colima maker west mexico large dog figure 250 bce 250 ce.
West mexican shoe shaped ceramic vessels.
Pre columbian colima armadillo funerary vessel urn ceremonial pottery terra.
Burnished low fire ceramic earthenware with black and red pigments and manganese oxide residue 11 3 4 x 17 x 8 in.
Size color finish and subject matter make this an extraordinary work of art.
Crocker art museum gift of the alfred and beatrice stern family 2013 99 1 photo by scott mccue photography.
Large square shaped talavera decorative vase flower pot shipping with insurance.
West mexican figurines present a great variety of activities but this man sitting with a large jar secured between his legs is unique.
The ceramic artisans of puebla mexico then incorporated chinese designs thus creating the blue and oyster white patterns traditionally associated with talavera poblana.
He wears a simple headpiece with a crest with beads around the rim of the cap and around upper arm bands.
The original carving can be seen a little further away at the centre left of the picture.
Located on the woodhouse crag on the northern edge of ilkley moor in west yorkshire there is a swastika shaped pattern engraved in a stone known as the swastika stone.
Make offer maya precolumbian shaman transformed vessel yucatán mexico 600 800ad.
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Mexican pottery vase tonala hand made folk art ceramic vase large collectibles souvenir birds flowers.
The figure in the foreground of the picture is a 20th century replica.
Pre columbian moche peru erotic pottery figural vessel square shape.
Pre columbian erotic chimu peru pottery figural vessel with couple.
Large pre columbian hunchback vessel west mexico tomb culture 200bc 300ad.