A wet tap connection refers to the connection made into a new york city water main or any public water main for a water service line installation.
Wet tap water main detail.
A tapping valve is connected to the tapping sleeve and the tapping machine is connected to the tapping valve figure 1.
Corporation wet taps are performed on any main size with an outlet of 2 or less.
A tap connection controls the volume and pressure of water from the city main to the house.
3 thru 12 ductile iron water house connection insulating joint c 5 2.
Installing a wet tap into a city water main in nyc is performed by highly trained and skilled dep field forces.
Pro tapping performs wet taps from 4 to 36 360 around the main.
Ken southerland the wet tapping process is often the most convenient way of connecting new pipe to existing pipe without interruption of service the procedure usually involves a tapping sleeve that is installed around the pipe to be tapped.
16 40868 z supports for water main over pipe crossing 33 wm0402 pavement excavation limits for permanent restoration in streets protected by n y c.
Specialized tools and equipment are used to install a wet tap connection for a water service line.
Lanl standard drawings and details either 1 depict required format content or 2 are templates that are completed by a design agency lanl or external ae for a design drawing package in a manner similar to specifications.
Joint coating detail c 6 0.
Code 19 144 water mains 20 and less in diameter 17 42063 y shallow crossing for water mains 24 diameter and smaller 34 wm0403.
In many cases increasing the size of a tap will improve upon the amounts of water pressure in your home.
Field applied coatings when connecting to existing pccp water mains c 5 1.
Field applied coatings when connecting to existing cip and dip water mains c 5 0.
Wet taps are generally performed on cast and ductile iron transite acp polyvinyl chloride and concrete cylinder pipe as well as many older pipeline materials.
Usually such a connection is for one individual property.
The tap allows a homeowner to install a new water main without having to affect any of the neighbors.
More specifically a tapping machine typically a mueller b101 an electric generator to operate the tapping machine and hand tools.
In new york city before the advent of cast iron water main pipes the city s water mains were actually constructed out of wood.
D 8 water main trench details d 9 water main trench insulation detail d 10 water main polyethylene wrap detail d 11 thrust restraint concrete thrust block details d 12 thrust restraint restrained joint pipe d 13 precast valve basin for pipes up to 16 inch diameter d 14 brick masonry valve basin d 16 typical 1 inch to 2 inch water service.