The coin is 26 5 millimeters in diameter weighs 8 1 grams and is composed of a pure copper core with outer layers of magnesium brass 77 percent copper 12 percent zinc 7 percent manganese and 4 percent nickel.
What are gold dollar coins worth.
Gold coin values for the major types of us coins are listed below.
100 dollars elizabeth ii 4th portrait year of the dragon find out how much your sacajawea or native american dollar is native american and sacagawea one dollar coin values how much is a 2000 gold dollar worth may 2020 rare presidential dollar coins worth money gold dollars how much are presidential dollars worth.
5 00 gold capped bust rt 1795 1798.
Coin type average circulated.
Four dollar gold pieces 1879 1880.
The coin prices and values for g 1 gold dollars.
The beauty of uncirculated gold coins depict why every coin collector desires at least one.
Although the mint originally marketed this coin as the golden dollar the coin does not contain any gold.
How much presidential dollars are worth.
Lookup coin values for good very good fine very fine brilliant uncirculated proof conditions and ms grade.
Four dollar gold coin values.
Also showing coins for sale in our database for the large indian head type gold dollars items.
The prices are wholesale values and listed in four different condition categories.
Coins for sale for presidential type dollars items.