The ocean floor has mountains volcanoes deep valleys and reefs.
What are the three major regions of the ocean floor and some features associated with each.
The continental margin is the portion of the seafloor that is adjacent to major landmass.
A the continental margin is the portion of the seafloor that is adjacent to major landmass.
Portion of the seaflo0r adjacent to major landmasses may include the continental shelf the continental slope and the continental rise deep ocean basins lie between the continental margins and oceanic ridges consists of abyssal plains deep ocean trenches and seamounts oceanic ridges most prominent feature on the ocean floor.
The following features are shown at example depths to scale though each feature has a considerable range at which it may occur.
Ocean basins abyssal plains.
There vast areas of vegetation and areas that are devoid of vegetation often due to how deep they are and how much sunlight.
Continental shelf 300 feet continental slope 300 10 000 feet abyssal plain 10 000 feet abyssal hill 3 000 feet up from the abyssal plain seamount 6 000 feet up from the abyssal plain ocean trench 36 000 feet and volcanic island above sea level.
The two major regions are the continental margin and the deep ocean basin.
Features of the ocean include the continental shelf slope and rise.
Part of these regions consist of incredibly flat features.
Ocean ridges elevated belts on the sea floor 1 9 compare and contrast continents and ocean basins.
The ocean floor is called the abyssal plain.
Features rising up from the ocean floor include seamounts volcanic islands and the mid oceanic ridges and rises.
The continental margin ocean basin floor and mid ocean ridge d the.
What are the three main regions of the ocean floor.
Oceanic ridges continental margins and deep ocean basins how can satellites orbiting earth determine features on the seafloor without being able to directly observe them beneath several kilometers of seawater.
B the deep ocean basin is between the continental margins and oceanic ridges.
Continental margin seafloor adjacent to major landmasses.
What are the three major regions of the ocean floor and some features that associated with each region.
Below the ocean floor there are a few small deeper areas called ocean trenches.
It is underlain by the continental crust and it is considered a flood extension of the continents.