Vinyl blades are also known as pvc blades which refers to a specific type of vinyl plastic.
What blade angle for cutting vinyl.
Using the framing square to guide your blade begin cutting along the marked line at a 45 degree angle.
If the blade angle isn t high enough the blade can actually drag through the material and create vinyl ears causing a poor quality cut.
You should apply a moderate amount of pressure to cut roughly halfway through your vinyl plank.
The angle of this blade is so much steeper 60 degrees compared to 45 degrees for the fine point blade this allows the blade to penetrate and cut intricate cuts in thick materials.
Many manufacturers only use 45 and 60 degree blades.
The primary rationale for blades of different angles is cutting depth.
If you find your fine point blade just doesn t want to cut through a material thicker than standard cardstock this is the blade to use.
The three most commonly used plotter blade angles are 30 45 and 60 degrees.
Inversely using a 60 degree blade on everything is a waste of a blade.
Mh series vinyl cutter compatible blades choice of 45 60 deg or assortment rationale for blades of different angles.
A lower angle 45 degree is great for thin materials while a steeper angle 60 degrees has a more vertical cutting orientation that penetrates deeper.
Don t worry about cutting all the way through the plank.
I ve used it for thicker projects on my cricut explore and maker.
Because not all of the blade s cutting area is used you will also need to change blades more frequently since the sharper.
The color of this blade is black and must be used with its respective housing.
This blade has a steeper blade angle 60 degrees vs 45 degrees for the other fine point blades and harder more durable steel.
The angles are referred to in terms of degrees because the cutting depth is determined by the angle of the intersection of the cutting edge and the shaft.
With minimal blade in the material a 60 degree.
An increased amount of blade dragging through the material when cutting fine detail can cause what they call vinyl ears parts lifted up.
Mitre cuts cutting vinyl railing may require you to cut angled corners at the point where railing changes directions or abuts a fence post at an angle.