Hazardous material management plan hazardous material inventory statement program cal fire office of the state fire marshal.
What california regulation governs haz mat response.
California health and safety code and ccr titles 22 and 26.
California s hazardous materials regulations include the california hazardous waste requirements 22 ccr 66261 66268 67426 66429 and 67780.
All requirements of part 1910 and part 1926 of title 29 of the code of federal regulations apply pursuant to their terms to hazardous waste and emergency response operations whether covered by this section or not.
The department of toxic substances control s dtsc hazardous waste regulations are located in the official version of the california code of regulations ccr at title 22 social security division 4 5 environmental health standards for the management of hazardous waste.
The senior emergency response official who will have ultimate site control responsibility is established in the hazardous material incident contingency plan for the state of california january 1991 promulgated by the state office of emergency services oes as directed by health and safety code sec.
Specific procedures determine how waste is identified classified listed and delisted.
Code 5101 et seq.
And 49 code of federal regulations parts 101 106 107 and 171 180 the hazardous materials transportation act regulates the transport of hazardous materials by motor vehicles marine vessels and aircraft.
Hazardous materials transportation act 49 u s.
Specifics can be found in book 29 standard 1910 120.
The california public utilities commission regulates privately owned electric natural gas telecommunications water railroad rail transit and passenger transportation companies in addition to authorizing video franchises.
25503 hs 25503 and california.
California code of regulations by westlaw title 19 division 2 chapter 4 5 sections 2735 2785.
Our five governor appointed commissioners as well as our staff are dedicated to ensuring that consumers have safe reliable utility service at reasonable rates.
California legislative law california health and safety code division 20 chapter 6 95 article 2 sections 25531 25543 3.
Regulations regarding underground storage tanks california code of regulations ccr title 23 division 3 chapter 16.
Process and procedures the process of compiling accurate information regarding hazardous materials hazardous wastes and contamination for any transportation project includes performing.
Ca state regulations title 22.
A waste is a hazardous waste if it is a listed waste characteristic waste used oil and mixed wastes.
If there is a conflict or overlap the provision more protective of employee safety and health shall apply without regard to 29 cfr.