Once you ve taken it out clean the tank with a very dilute warm water bleach solution to kill any bacteria let the tank to sit for ten minutes then wash off the cleaning solution with water and let it dry for a few hours.
What can i use to clean my turtle tank.
Here are the most important things to do to keep the tank clean.
Do not use a food container.
Just as placing too many fish in an aquarium can compromise the quality of the tank s water keeping too many turtles in a tank can make it difficult to keep the water clean.
As a rule of thumb each adult turtle requires about 50 to 75 gallons of space.
Putting the turtle in a container.
Information from the book aquatic turtles complete herp care series by david t.
Use an adequate sized tank.
When you start cleaning your turtle tank first remove everything from inside of it.
Poor maintenance leads to health issues foul odors cloudy water and tank stains.
Conduct regular water changes and maintain the water quality and ph balance for the sake of your turtles health.
The first step is to take your turtle and place it in a secondary container.
978 07938 2885 2 was used in this guide.
When cleaning your turtle tank move your pet to a clean container you keep only for this purpose.
The container can be a bowl bucket or a turtle carrying case.
Spot cleanings are very simple and quick but they can go a really long way in maintaining the cleanliness of your tank.
How to clean a turtle tank fast.
Here are the steps i follow to clean my turtle tank.
How to spot clean an aquarium.
To clean a turtle tank gently pick up the turtle and set it in a bucket or bowl filled with enough water for swimming and some peat or rocks for the turtle to climb on.
While you clean the turtle tank every 3 to 4 weeks you have to maintain the water quality of the tank between cleaning.
Cleaning the tank with hard chemicals is not an option and may harm your turtles.
Always wash your hands after handling or cleaning up after your turtle.
How to keep a turtle tank clean.
You can use them to clean your turtle s tank and habitat but you should never use them to clean your turtle s shell or give it a bath.