Unlike with traditional metallic braces the brackets on ceramic braces match the color of your teeth.
What can stain ceramic braces.
Nicotine also can stain your teeth leaving white marks left in the areas the brackets were once your braces are removed.
These particles over time can damage the ceramic material and cause stains even on your teeth.
In fact it is the clear bands around the brackets which help to hold the wire in place that can stain or become discolored.
Brushing your teeth is still the most effective way to prevent ceramic braces stain.
Dealing with a ceramic braces stain is something many braces patients want to avoid.
You need to know the factors that lead to staining beforehand.
The actual ceramic brackets of your braces will never stain as they re resistant to discoloration.
This habit removes leftover food particles.
The clear elastic bands we use to attach the archwire to your brackets however can stain and this can make your braces much more visible.
To feel the most confident while wearing your ceramic braces you need to take really good care of the braces and your teeth because ceramic braces can unfortunately stain easily.
In this video diamond braces treatment coordinator elina shnayderman explains more.
The important thing to understand is that the ceramic brackets themselves do not stain.
Ceramic braces can be a great choice if you want to keep your braces low key.
Can ceramic braces stain.
The elastic ligatures used to hold the archwires attached to the brackets are especially prone to staining.
However as much as we would like to have these unique ceramic braces they stain easily if not well taken care of.
We all know diets have to change slightly while in braces and this is especially true if you wear ceramic or clear braces.
The best way to fight staining is to avoid it altogether and that starts with diet.
Fortunately there is a wide range of options available that can help you remove them safely and effectively.
Avoid food and drink with higher staining abilities.
Read on to discover how to keep your ceramic braces clean and clear.
To restore them from dingy to clear drink lemon water after you drink beverages that tend to stain.
If your teeth are naturally very white clear ceramic braces are probably the best choice for you.
Use an electric toothbrush and let it rest on each tooth and bracket for three to five seconds when brushing.
Avoid foods such as tomatoes mustard.
But they re a little less durable and may take much longer to correct your bite.
The ceramic brackets are almost stain proof but can get dulled or even darkened by things like espresso and red wine.
They are often unsightly and can seem very difficult to remove by yourself.