Be careful not to soak the carpet wet a little spritz goes a long way.
What can you put on your carpets to kill ants.
You can use baking soda to keep ants out of your home or to kill the ones that have set up on your property.
Crush any larger particulates so it settles into your carpet.
Ants know to avoid pure baking soda so you can sprinkle it around doorways window sills and other entry points to keep them out of your home.
Boric acid in a small bowl.
One of the best ways to get rid of ants under your carpet is to sprinkle boric acid powder all over your carpet.
To kill off ants in the house especially sugar ants and flying ants make a thick paste with boric acid and honey.
The only way to really get rid of ants is to go to the source the queen.
Let it sit for a few days and then vacuum it up.
Outdoor poisoned bait like amdro sprinkled around the foundation of your house will attract the worker ants and they will take it back to the colony to feed the queen and newly hatched ants.
If you have an excess of ants or if they re protecting aphids you might want to try de as a natural ant killer for garden use.
You can treat your carpet but it will only be a termporary fix.
It s just too dangerous.
Since ants seem to find the smell of pepper irritating you can try black or red cayenne pepper as an ant deterrent.
Make sure it really gets in there and all around.
For a longer more effective treatment you ll need to kill their colony.
Mix 1 part vinegar to 3 parts of water in a spray bottle and spray away.
It might smell acidic but when the vinegar solution dries up it goes away but still remain effective in getting rid of carpet ants.
This remedy to ant infestation is completely natural and safe.
Do this in the evening so that you can leave the boric acid powder in overnight.
To use it for infestation prevention you just need some baking soda.
Although i agree 100 with bj that gas kills them i do not suggest gas.
If you can t don t kill her then all you ve done is put a band aide on this problem.