Like other bugs moths can enter the home through torn.
What causes carpet moth infestation.
What causes carpet moths.
Warmer weather combined with centrally heated homes has led to carpet moth infestations becoming a year round problem.
As with any sort of rodent or insect eliminating the problem often involves determining the method of entry.
Both can live in mattresses and other bedding and are attracted to the carbon dioxide you exhale as you sleep.
Some larvae have sharp spines or hairs that can sting causing symptoms like.
Both carpet beetles and bed bugs can cause welt like rashes.
What causes moths in the house.
Carpet fibres are the perfect place for clothes moths to lodge their eggs and for larvae to hide.
Did you feel relieved after reading the last paragraph.
Did you think i don t have any wool or.
However rashes from bed.
The larvae cause the damage and carry on eating woolen and other natural fibres all year round.
So a wool carpet is a favourite nesting place.
And central heating offers a comfortable interior habitat all year round.
Itching scaly skin blisters rashes outbreaks of skin irritation similar to eczema contact dermatitis which causes redness hives and swelling.
Soiled clothes even with perspiration from one or two times usage food or drink spillages superficially cleaned off and human hair on garments or on carpets also increase the risk of moth infestations in the home.
Carpet moth causes as insecticide has now been removed from carpet manufacturing stages this is one of the reasons why carpet moths appear more regularly.
Carpet moths often start life as the offspring of clothes moths that have nested in your carpets.
How clothes moths get in your carpets.
When the weather is warm and humid this provides an upsurge in breeding activity.
The first and foremost reason for carpet moths to be living in your house is natural fibers.
However carpet moths don t just like it when you have natural material carpeting.
Open packs of flour sugar or seeds cereals are risk points for an occurrence of food moths.