And if these are left un brushed the amount of matted and entangled hair increases resulting in it becoming even more matted.
What causes cats fur to matt.
Matted fur may bring to mind a shabby outdoor cat caught in a rainstorm but even meticulously clean indoor cats can be the victims of mats from time to time.
Why matted cat fur is bad.
To prevent this evaluate your cat s behavior if she s a regular victim of mats.
Find mats on your kitty s coat by using a wide tooth comb and use a mat breaker brush to gently cut through them while holding the fur at the roots to prevent discomfort for your little one.
Healthy kitties prevent most mats with regular self grooming.
The main reason why your cat experiences matted hair is due to lack of grooming if you do not brush your cat s hair properly or leave it as is for an extended period then your feline friend will suffer from the clumps due to shedding and leaving the excess fur on his skin.
When this happens matting and fur entangling worsen.
Most mats will come out with brushing but hard mats can require extra work.
As a cat owner one of the most helpful grooming techniques to learn is how to get mats out of cat fur it not only helps keep your cat looking cute but also help protect them from skin irritation coming from fleas and skin parasites.
Matted cat fur on the other hand damages tissue by preventing oxygen and moisture from reaching it.
Indoor only and shorthaired cats can also get mats from a buildup of dust and dander.
Matting occurs more in spring and autumn when cats are molting.
What causes matting in hair anyway.
Dead hair mixes up with the stuck up debris and dirt on its skin thus forming into even larger mats.
Mats are clumps of hair that have become entangled or knotted over time.
Pruritis itchy inflamed skin when matted fur traps moisture and irritants close to your cat s skin.
You can also sprinkle cornstarch throughout the fur to help loosen the tangled fur or use a spritz of leave in conditioner.
See our related article for much more about the causes of matted hair in cats.
This can lead to lesions or secondary skin infection in severe cases of matting.
Certain breeds of cats persians maine coons and other long haired breeds are more likely to develop mats.
Keep in mind that shedding dead hair is normal and it s a process that cannot be avoided.
This can lead to dry scaly and sometimes irritated skin.
Most cats shed their fur during spring and fall.
These clumps of fur can be painful for the cat.
What causes matted cat hair.
Healthy and tangle free cat fur allows for a continuous air flow to your cat s skin.
Mats are clumps of hair that form when loose hair gets tangled onto the rest of your cat s fur.
But sometimes if something becomes stuck in its fur or a cat neglects its grooming mats may form.