The causes of wall cracks.
What causes cracks in wall.
There s no exact method for determining how serious a wall crack is without hiring an expert to examine the wall but you might be able to.
Tracking down the cause or causes of wall cracks is the first step in making any assessment as to the seriousness and cost of repairing wall cracks.
Small cracks located above interior windows or doors are usually harmless.
Cracks in the walls of your home could indicate serious foundation issues but that s not always the case.
We explore which cracks are cause for concern.
If the cracks in your walls are showing discoloration such as brown or yellow tinted stains then the problem may be the result of water damage to your home.
Some degree of excavation of the soil is usually required when a home is first built.
Likely causes might include some of the following.
Leaky windows and roofs can cause moisture to get into your home s walls.
This causes the drywall to get wet soften and deteriorate which then leads to cracking.
These cracks are serious and require professional attention.
Long horizontal cracks that extend along the joints where interior partition walls and upstairs ceilings connect generally signify roof truss issues which cause ceilings to detach from walls.