Your cat sheds her thick winter coat in the spring in preparation for the warmer spring and summer months.
What causes matting in short haired cats.
Cats shed during spring and fall according to changes in the weather.
I don t have any experience with fur matting but i do think that you shouldn t use scissors to cut out the mats as i have read several stories about cat owners who have cut their cats skin while attempting to cut out matted fur.
When they are young they will groom this away but as they age and get stiff this shed hair often chokes up the coat causing mats.
Keep in mind that shedding dead hair is normal and it s a process that cannot be avoided.
As it happens there.
She then sheds this warm weather coat in the fall.
What causes matted cat hair.
Even short haired cats need to be groomed so start young.
I find that if i don t brush her daily she will have mats in her fur at the lower end of her back near her tail.
Affected cats are lightly sedated and their hair coats are shaved to remove all affected mats.
What causes matting in hair anyway the main reason why your cat experiences matted hair is due to lack of grooming if you do not brush your cat s hair properly or leave it as is for an extended period then your feline friend will suffer from the clumps due to shedding and leaving the excess fur on his skin.
With short haired cats a small slicker brush may be used next to slowly and gently brush through any remaining tangles.
Matted fur occurs more frequently in long haired cats but this doesn t mean it won t happen to short haired cats.
When a cat sheds their undercoat the fur can become caught in the top coat.
There are several reasons this can happen.
She s a short hair cat but not as short hair as some cats i ve seen.
If a cat s fur becomes dirty or oily it can also become entwined and matted.
There was a period where i was quite sick and it was all i could do to feed them and keep their litter box cleaned so they didn t get groomed for several months.
Matting occurs more in spring and autumn when cats are molting.
Seriously matted cats require veterinary attention.
While daily brushing may at first feel like a chore for you and your cat you will both benefit from it in the long.
Advertisement if their formerly pristine sleek pelt is now dull and tufty it s time to wonder why this might be.
Short haired cats require less grooming however daily brushing is essential to maintain a clean coat in long haired cats.
Matted fur is a condition that occurs mostly in longhaired cats when their fur becomes knotted and entangled.