The study ultimately proved that the adult bedbugs could be killed by cold only through exposure to temperatures of 16 deg c or lower for a period of at least 80 hours.
What cold temperature can kill bed bugs.
However the truth is these insects can adapt to lower temperatures but up to 48 degrees fahrenheit.
A similar process can be used with heat.
The best temperature for killing bed bugs in a freezer is 0 f.
It s true that if you leave bed bugs in an inescapable package in extreme temperatures below 32 f 0 c for long enough they will freeze to death.
It causes the fluids and organs within their body to freeze over and cease healthy functioning.
Generally mature bugs can survive for a few hours to a few days when exposed to low temperatures.
This is however possible for only a few days.
Temperature that kills bed bugs.
The eggs of the bugs survived in short term exposure to even lower temperatures of 25 degrees c.
Put an infested object such as bedding or pillows in a sealed plastic bag then put it in a freezer at zero degrees fahrenheit for about four days.
Adult bed bugs die at 119 degrees fahrenheit and their heat resistant eggs require temperatures upwards of 125 degrees.
Can cold temperatures kill bed bugs.
Interestingly temperatures between 60 f and 80 f will make bed bugs grow slower and temperatures between 25 f and 60 f will result in death in weeks or months.
Above this temperature a bed bug has the ability to tune the freezing point of its body fluids.
According to various scientific studies the temperature that is lethal for adult bed bugs is 118 94 f 48 3 c.
Temperatures below 13 f kill adult bed bugs in a day or two with bed bugs dying a day or two after that which is a total of 4 days.
Bed bugs can survive in cold environments for a long period of time without food.
Even then some may survive.
Although these can be tricky to achieve in a residential setting it isn t impossible.
On the other end of the spectrum the temperature at which adult bed bugs freeze to death is 19 48 f 28 6 c.
Using freezing cold temperatures to kill bed bugs is one option.
Some people believe cold temperatures are as effective as hot temperatures in bed bug removal.
A cold temperature of 16 degrees celsius in 80 hours.