The natural oils in eucalyptus wood contain insect water and moisture repelling properties which help to protect it from rot and decay but it will not prevent it completely.
What color is eucalyptus wood.
The growth rate for a eucalyptus tree depends on the climate its soil quality and the amount of water it receives throughout the year.
Given its limited growing range the rainbow eucalyptus is too rare to be considered as a source of woodworking wood.
It is actively farmed and harvested in the.
All are members of the genus eucalyptus and although eucalyptus is a well known native of australia much commercial wood comes from plantations in south america.
Eucalyptus lumber can come from any one of over 10 different species with such common names as blue gum jarrah and swamp mahogany.
Red eucalyptus is a deep red in color.
In the late 19th century eucalyptus was.
When these trees reach maturity they are ready to be harvested than their.
Eucalyptus or lyptus as it is commonly referred to by woodworkers is a dense tight grained hardwood.
Pink eucalyptus is a beautiful pink color almost indistinguishable from the very prized and very expensive pink ivory.
But no rainbow tone.
The same figure types occur in the pink eucalyptus as well.
Eucalyptus conjures images of australia whose old growth forests primarily consist of this large strong tree.
Recommended finish on eucalyptus wood.
It is easy to cut and slice sand polish and finish and absorbs primers and paints quite well.
Wood from these trees is generally flexible and easy with which to work.
Eucalyptus wood is highly sustainable.
But beneath the technicolor bark the wood looks and works like most members of the eucalyptus family.
Unlike other hardwood types eucalyptus wood is fast growing rendering it a highly sustainable and eco friendly choice.
The properties of eucalyptus wood.
Eucalyptus ˌ juː k ə ˈ l ɪ p t ə s is a genus of over seven hundred species of flowering trees shrubs or mallees in the myrtle family myrtaceae along with several other genera in the tribe eucalypteae including corymbia they are commonly known as eucalypts.
Eucalyptus trees produce wood that is distinct in color and smell which makes it valuable for aesthetic uses as well as commercial and industrial uses.
To increase its longevity and to maintain its rich color eucalyptus furniture should be oiled from time to time.
Light in color aging to a reddish brown.
Often the wood is figured.
Hard with an even close grain.
Several figure types occur the most common is a bees wing figure but curly grain and burl is also seen.
Fast growing and renewable resource.