Check the lining of your dog s eyes.
What do healthy dog eyes look like.
Matthew fife owner of the veterinary ophthalmology center in orlando florida.
Unfortunately a number of diseases can disrupt the way a dog s eyes function.
Gum problems in dogs.
Keep irritants like shampoos soaps and flea medicine away from the eyes.
To help keep your canine companion s eyes bright and healthy keep long hair out of its eyes take your dog to a groomer or use round tipped scissors to trim the hair.
Cyanosis can be caused by a variety of issues.
A cataract is an opacity or imperfection in the lens of the eye says dr.
Depending upon the size of the dog s head and your hands you may rest the middle finger or heal of the hand holding the bottle or tube on the cat s head to keep your hand more steady and reduce the risk of poking the dog in the.
Cataracts therefore are something dog owners should be able to spot and understand.
Your dog could be anaemic or have a circulatory problem.
This means that a large part of the eyeball is not visible without rolling the eyelid down.
If your canine pal is exhibiting discomfort redness or even sensitivity to light it s a good idea to consult your veterinarian.
Return to normal colour within 2 3 seconds.
To do this well all the various parts of the eye must be healthy.
There are many causes of eye infections in dogs.
In a healthy dog eye the dog conjunctiva color should match the color of the dog s gums.
This constant moisture can cause the eye area to swell and become infected.
Pneumonia congestive heart failure pulmonary thromboembolism and other respiratory problems can cause this blue gum coloration if the.
Do this very gently using your fingers.
If your dog is sick the gums can change colour.
Let s take a look at some of the most common eye problems dogs experience and how pet parents.
Signs of dog eye problems include blood vessels that look engorged any bruises around the eye or a sclera which is yellow could be dog jaundice and discharge such as mucous.
A dog s eyes perform a nearly miraculous function converting reflected light into nerve impulses that the brain uses to form images of the world.
Gums also go pale when a dog is in shock like after a road traffic accident.
If inadequate amounts of oxygen are being circulated through your dog s blood supply its gums may turn blue or purple this gum color is referred to medically as cyanosis.
When you press the gums the colour will be slow to return.
Just like us dogs have eyelids that protect the eye.
This is commonly considered to be an aesthetic problem but can also be a symptoms or sign of a foreign object stuck in a dog s eye which is why veterinary consultation is necessary.
Maintaining dog eye health is critical to having a happy and healthy pet.
Check to make sure that the eye is not red and that the lining of the eye looks healthy e g.
And finally watch for signs that may indicate an eye problem like pawing or rubbing.
Eye drops disperse across the surface of the eye rapidly and do not need to be rubbed across the eye by massaging.