Circulation cleaning and chemistry.
What do i need to maintain a small pool.
With the typical small filters found on intex pools regular super chlorination is important for healthy water and healthy swimmers.
The three c s of proper pool maintenance.
Keep ph level in range.
There are 2 ways to maintain your pool.
Other intex pool chemicals.
A ph below 7 is too acidic and you ll need to add a ph increaser or alkalinity increaser such as sodium bicarbonate baking soda.
When ph gets too high chlorine.
Test the ph free available chlorine in the pool water and shock treat if necessary on a weekly basis.
You will need a small test kit or test strips so that you can test the ph level in the water which can naturally rise from pool use.
Filters do not sanitize or disinfect pool water but by removing contaminants they make it easier for your sanitizer to control algae and bacteria.
Maintaining a good ph level and constant chlorine reading is good enough for some pools but with a small pool filter and high pool use your water may need additional help.
To maintain your swimming pool start by buying testing strips from your local pool store so you can test your pool water s chlorine alkaline ph and cyanuric acid levels.
Establish a weekly routine to clean the pool and add pool cleaner.
Here are some helpful tips to successfully maintain your pool all by yourself.
Circulation cleaning and chemistry.
Brushing is important to remove films and dust particles from surfaces where they can be filtered out of the water.
A shock treatment solves and prevents the majority of pool problems.
Very heavy rains and windstorms.
Smaller inflatable pools will only need a bit of chlorine every once in a while check step 4 you won t need to worry about ph levels on small inflatable pools unless you really want to.
Maintaining your small pool is a three way thing.
More swimmers than usual.
To clean your above ground pool you ll need pool cleaning tools like a tele pole skim net or leaf rake pool brush and a vacuum hose and vacuum head for vinyl pools.
Then test your pool water with the strips and make sure that it has 1 2 ppm chlorine 80 120 ppm alkalinity 40 80 ppm cyanuric acid and a ph between 7 2 and 7 8.
Even if you never set foot in a scout meeting as a kid you probably know that stagnant still water is to borrow a term from our own childhoods grody to the max.
If you want to keep the water in the pop up pool for a couple of days so it s warm.
Hire pool professionals or do it yourself.
If you are a do it yourself kind of person keep reading because this article is for you.