Pest control experts and exterminators have the equipment knowledge and training to step in when your do it yourself pest control methods do not work.
What do pest control companies use for fire ants.
1 standard covered pests include cockroaches mice rats silverfish house ants excluding carpenter ants fire ants pharaoh ants tawny crazy ants clothes moths non poisonous spiders scorpions centipedes millipedes earwigs house crickets and paper wasps.
The remaining ants will leave the nest and return when the pesticide dissipates.
All ants have the main divisions of the body head thorax abdomen distinctly separated by very narrow waists and have a sharp elbow joint in their antennae.
We recommend treating at a couple times a year during the warm months.
This two step process involves applying a broadcast bait across the property and reapplied every month or two during spring summer.
When in doubt of which type of ant you have give us a call.
If your exterminator uses it chances are that you have carpenter ants fire ants or argentine ants as neonicotinoids work flawlessly against those insects.
They respond to service calls daily and will almost have a better idea of which ant treatment methods are working best in your location.
With fire ant pest control time is of the essence discovering a telltale fire ant mound on your property is a situation that requires the immediate expert attention from a fire ant exterminator.
Understanding their behavior patterns will help you achieve the best ant control.
When attacking fire ants first use their mandibles to grip their prey and then inject venom through a stinger.
The broadcasting method is the first step.
Broadcast a fire ant bait over the entire area.
Fire ant control broadcast fire ant bait.
If a victim experiences a severe reaction such as sweating nausea or excessive itching emergency medical services should be contacted immediately.
Pest advice for controlling ants the commonest species that invades houses is the black garden ant which is actually very dark brown.
Over the counter sprays will only kill a few of the ants.
Pest control plan does not include coverage for termites.
Coverage for additional pests available for an additional charge.
Final thoughts on pest control for ants.
Pest control for fire ants unfortunately treating fire ants isn t as easy as heading to your local hardware store and picking up an aerosol pesticide to spray on a mound.
Fire ant stings are painful for most humans and fatal to some.
Pest control experts way to kill fire ants.
But neonicotinoids despite posing a moderate threat to human health should still be used carefully.
The most important ants in the united states are argentine ants carpenter ants crazy ants fire ants ghost ants leafcutter ants odorous house ants pavement ants and pharoah ants.
They re vastly used for indoor ant control in a form of either liquid or gel.