The fresher the stain the better the clean up.
What do you use to clean urine off a mattress.
If you re wondering how to get the urine smell out of a mattress this cleaning method should take care of it.
If your dog urinates on your mattress clean it immediately to prevent the urine from seeping into the material.
Whichever method you use vacuum the mattress once the cleaning solution is completely dry.
On the other hand if you do not mind a vinegar scented mattress the smell dissipates over time vinegar can be a very effective tool for cleaning up soaked in urine.
So if it was a tiny human who made the accident you re not likely to smell anything lingering once you remove the stain.
This can also serve as a guide for how to get old pee stains out of a mattress.
With the vacuum cleaner remove all the powder.
Do not rub or scrub at this point or you ll just help the stain.
If you don t have borax baking soda is a wonderful stand in for removing a dried urine stain.
How to clean mattress stains.
How to clean mattress stains.
Here s how to deep clean your mattress.
Get dog urine out of your mattress with items already in your home instead of purchasing commercial cleaning products.
Put undiluted white distilled vinegar in a spray bottle and dampen the stained area with it.
After you remove the dog urine dry the mattress properly to prevent mold and mildew from growing.
To learn how to remove wet urine stains from a mattress read on.
Pets sensitive noses mean that if they smell even the hint of urine you won t even detect it they ll continue to urinate there because they think it s somewhere they re supposed to go.
Remove all of your bedding and get it into the wash right away.
Dilute the white vinegar with water in a spray bottle in a 50 50 mixture.
If the stain is still wet soak up the liquid with a clean cloth by gently blotting.
If you are un fortunate enough to catch the urine stain on your mattress as soon as it happens your first move should be to blot up as much of it as you can using a paper towel or a sponge.
Alternatively you can mix 3 tablespoons of dry laundry powder with 1 tablespoon of water and apply it to the stain.
If you own a wet dry vacuum use this to help soak up the urine from your.
Borax can be toxic and you don t want anyone sleeping on the mattress to suffer ill effects.