Does a box spring actually serve a purpose for your mattress.
What does a box spring actually do.
It will help improve the comfort and durability of your mattress while still providing adequate support.
The short answer by the way.
A box spring or divan in some countries is a type of bed base typically consisting of a sturdy wooden frame covered in cloth and containing springs usually the box spring is placed on top of a wooden or metal bedframe that sits on the floor and acts as a brace except in the uk where the divan is more often fitted with small casters the box spring is usually the same size as the much softer.
Types of box springs previously mattress manufacturers used to design only one size box springs that stood at about 8 inches tall.
Its primary purpose is to provide a surface for a mattress to rest on that will ensure the mattress doesn t break down faster than it should.
And though amongst the public the name box spring has stuck the proper term these days is foundation foundations can have a fabric covered or exposed wood frame with a solid top or one made of wood slats.
What does a box spring do.
Whatever the case may be determine if you do really need a box spring is a personal decision you re going to have to make to find a comfortable and long lasting sleep solution.
Whatever you do don t just toss your old box spring and put your new mattress straight on the floor.
Therefore if any of the previously named benefits of the box spring seem essential to you then the answer to the question do you need a box spring is definitely yes.
What does a box spring do.
It raises the height of your bed and in some cases adds to the comfort and support that a mattress offers.
Most mattresses stipulate that it should be used on an appropriate support base and going against this could actually void your warranty along with leaving your mattress prone to mold and other nasties due to air not being able to circulate.
At the original mattress factory our box springs are each specially designed to work with the.
Learn what a box spring actually is what is does and how it can elongate the life of your mattress.
Do you want a product that contains springs or are you just interested in the options that are aesthetically pleasing.
One of the most common questions i get from customers is do i need a boxspring i hope to answer that question here and outline all of the boxspring options available to you.