An acute angle is an angle well let me just draw them first.
What does acute mean in math.
How to use acute in a sentence.
Acute angle is the smallest type.
So the acute angle will be this angle right over here.
Acute angles are the smallest being between but not including zero and 90 note also that acute triangles are those where all the interior angles are acute.
Acute definition sharp or severe in effect.
The acute angle is the small angle which is less than 90.
His hearing was unusually acute.
The definition of acute angle.
If you choose the larger angle you will have a reflex angle instead.
Look it up now.
Ways to be acute synonym discussion of acute.
Acute definition is characterized by sharpness or severity of sudden onset.
Reacting readily to stimuli or impressions.
In math the word acute refers to an angle less than 90 or to a shape involving angles less than 90.
A way to remember sometimes we can confuse acute and obtuse angles.
Acute sorrow an acute pain.
An angle less than 90deg 90deg is called a right angle.
I could also draw an acute angle maybe an angle that s formed from the intersection of.
For more on this see acute angle definition.
Any angle with a measure less than 90 for example.
It is the opposite of obtuse which refers to an angle greater than 90.
Acute synonyms acute pronunciation acute translation english dictionary definition of acute.
I draw two rays that are coming from a common point.
A way to remember is that small things tend to be cute.
The smaller angle is an acute angle but the larger angle is a reflex angle.