We have not found any reports of foam carpet padding specifically made of asbestos nor paper.
What does asbestos carpet padding look like.
Adhesives and mastics asbestos was mixed into the adhesives to make them flow better.
Leave the carpet in place or cover over the existing carpet.
Sorting out reports of asbestos contaminated carpet padding in western australia.
An inspection for asbestos materials must be done prior to the carpet removal.
Plan and budget for an asbestos abatement to remove the carpet and asbestos flooring materials.
Carpet padding does a little more than adding some squish to your step.
Only the old cutback adhesive used for tile contained asbestos and i have never seen any of it turn to powder.
Let s take a look.
Is it a paper like product.
Does asbestos flooring or carpeting underlayment resemble foam.
Sounds like the original carpet was an old rubberback carpet with a black rubber backing.
The vermiculate look like popcorn and many of you.
The first picture of is asbestos carpet underlay and the second picture is of the black adhesive or glue underneath the carpet that may contain asbestos.
One of the reasons you need to bring professionals in to test for asbestos is because it can be hard to identify by looks alone.
Asbestos product photo guide.
If walking on vinyl asbestos tile was so dangerous we d all be dead because as jfcwood points out above it s everywhere.
Backing on sheet flooring linoleum or roll vinyl asbestos is in the felt backing.
Asbestos ceilings can be found in many forms which include asbestos fibre cement sheet fibro vermiculite spray applied ceilings.
In most cases the dangerous underlay is a brown material that looks like a woven sack but many older underlays have this look.
Carpet padding is necessary to experience the full benefit of owning carpeting.
In fact it does a lot more.
Normally residential carpet padding does not contain asbestos.
It did not contain asbestos and neither did the adhesive.
Should asbestos materials be found under the carpet there are several options.
Vinyl asbestos tiles vat asbestos was mixed into the tile material to add tensile strength.
What does asbestos carpet underlay look like.
No carpet adhesive contained asbestos.
What it does sound like is that you heard the scary word asbestos and now you are worrying about something with very little information to fuel that worry.
I would not worry about it.