Though vented fireplaces are still very popular a new option is available.
What does b vent fireplace mean.
A direct vent fireplace is a prefabricated metal fireplace that employs a direct vent combustion system.
Direct vent appliances are typically higher in efficiency than b vent appliances and put out a lot of heat even with a low flame setting.
The side of this box has a 3 or 4 flexible duct that exhausts to the exterior of the building.
B vent gas fireplaces also known as natural vent fireplaces or as a b vent fireplace use air from inside your home to fuel combustion and rely on the buoyancy of hot gases to vent exhaust through dedicated pipe systems.
While these fireplaces do create heat there is very little radiant heat.
This type of fireplace has a completely sealed combustion chamber which allows it to vent directly out a side wall of the home.
It essentially is a sheet metal box that encapsulates the b vent where it meets the top of the fireplace unit.
The simple design makes the b vent gas fireplace cheaper and easier.
This duct directs the cold air that drops down between the walls of the b vent to the exterior rather than into the area around the fireplace.
What is a direct vent gas fireplace.
Vent free models flames look less real than direct vent gas or wood burning fireplaces.
Direct vent models tend to have a better flame pattern.
The position and look of the logs in the fireplace cannot be altered or.
This option is called a vent free fireplace.
The logs do not heat up much and thus do not retain heat.
One of the benefits of this type of design is that it must draw air necessary for combustion from the outside since the sealed combustion chamber does not allow air to be drawn in from around the fireplace.
Some gas log fixtures are vented so that any dangerous gases produced during the burn will travel outside just as they move up and out of a chimney in a traditional wood burning fireplace.
In the past fireplaces were always made with a chimney that provided an escape for the carbon monoxide and other toxins that are produced when burning wood or gas.
The heat immediately leaves the firebox.
While b vent fireplaces can be an efficient heating method they can.
These types of fireplaces are called vented fireplaces.
Direct fireplaces have a sealed glass front and typically a smaller flame than a b vent fireplace or a vent free fireplace.
Gas fireplaces grow in popularity every year and manufacturers offer a wide selection including gas logs and self contained fireplace units mounted to a wall.
Direct vent refers to a sealed combustion system in which air for combustion is drawn from the outdoors and waste combustion gasses are exhausted to the outdoors.