Michaela said hello a watermelon went bad and was left on our white marble countertop while we were out of town for 2 days.
What does granite smell like.
There is a mildew smell that you will start to notice after they are washed or get wet.
I have a different type of granite and mine smells like cat piss around the edge where the sink was cut.
The juices leaked and the smell was very rotten.
First i would like to say you go girl you are 15 and care about the smell of a counter.
Bodily fluids from decomposing bodies smell a lot worse than what you are dealing with might work.
You are not alone.
It forms from the slow crystallization of magma below earth s surface.
Granite is a light colored igneous rock with grains large enough to be visible with the unaided eye.
At first i thought it was my dishrag but even when i threw it in the wash got a clean one i could still smell.
You know how granite feels under your hands and feet how it smells and the way it turns to gold in the last light of day but here are a few things you probably didn t know.
I have started to notice a strange smell that smells like a soured dishrag that was left to dry all wadded up.
Let it sit on it if that does not work try a little water and make a paste let sit for a little while.
I second the baking soda idea.
Any suggestions on.
Try googling and see what pops up.
Just like wet sponges eventually start to smell after a while granite countertops will do the same though it will be a longer process.
I have learned that granite countertops start to smell after awhile.
And unlike the sponge you can t just throw a countertop away and get a new one.
Climbers love it even as it tears their flesh steals their gear and makes them feel oh so small.
I was able to get the stain made by the juices out but the marble absorbed the smell.
I just moved into a rental house that has brand new granite countertops.
Mortuary and autopsy firms use granite slabs and should have plenty of ideas to remove odors from granite.
Same stuff just happened to me the cut granite inside my kitchen luckily they put some plastic on the door and dust did not spread throught the house but the kitchen was a mess took me 3 days to clean julie did you do anything to try to clean the air.