There s just one problem.
What does grass fed meat mean.
Unlike the term natural grass fed actually means something but it can be super confusing.
What is grass fed.
This is in contrast to grain fed cattle which are not allowed to graze or forage for food on their own.
It s also rich in highly bioavailable.
Here s a closer look at grass fed.
Grass fed beef comes from cattle raised on grass pastures as the name implies.
In economic terms though grain produces a higher yield in less time.
Beef is loaded with vitamin b12 b3 and b6.
Grass fed beef is more nutritious both grain and grass fed beef are highly concentrated sources of nutrients.
From an impressive grass fed rack of lamb to seasoned lamb sausages all of our fresh lamb must meet our meat department standards and be animal welfare certified which includes the following.
In contrast grass fed is currently being used in reference to any animal that 1 was fed a grass based diet prior to grain finishing or 2 an animal raised on pasture but butchered while still in a growth or immature stage.
The diet shall be derived solely from forage consisting of grass annual and perennial forbs e g legumes brassica browse or cereal grain crops in the vegetative pre grain state.
Stroll through the beef aisle at any grocery store and take a look at a package of beef.
The usda grass fed standard requires that animals must have continuous access to pasture during the growing season although animals do not have to spend their entire life at pasture.
No added growth hormones raised on pasture or range for at least two thirds of the animal s life.
As a result grain fed often finds its way onto labels where it doesn t always belong.
Grass forage fed means that grass and forage shall be the feed source consumed for the lifetime of the ruminant animal with the exception of milk consumed prior to weaning.
No one s policing this term which means that just because you see grass fed on a steak or a carton of milk doesn t necessarily mean you know how it was produced.
The problem for farmers is that the term grain fed resonates more with consumers.
Grass fed beef may be lower in fat and higher in essential vitamins and antioxidants.
What grass fed beef means grass fed beef simply means that the cattle were allowed to forage and graze for their own fresh food.
If the label says grass fed it s probably more expensive than your standard package of meat.