The power of the resurrection is the continued effect of the saving righteousness of the lord jesus christ.
What does resurrection power mean.
What does jesus resurrection really mean for christians.
For millions of christians remembering these events continues to be an important part of every day life.
By rising from the dead to return to eternal power at the right hand of the father jesus fulfilled a vital part of the plan of god that has paramount importance to the life and future of every human being.
The resurrection of jesus christ was one of the most momentous events in history.
So go free in the name of jesus.
What does it mean.
He wants to experience the resurrection.
On march 12 1998 stephen wrigley peifer died.
The greatest power on earth is to see a person become born again.
Use your resurrection authority.
Because he is risen his full name now expresses the summary of the gospel.
Paul defines the essence of his message we do not preach ourselves but christ jesus the lord 2 corinthians 4 5 nkjv.
In simple terms paul wants to be raised from the dead to eternal life.
First resurrection power is the power to cancel our past our failures mistakes sins and regrets.
That resurrection power living in you means you don t have to be afraid of anything.
Make full use the authority you have as a christian to lead other people to eternal life.
Cancel means to eliminate to neutralize to offset something.
That i may know him and the power of his resurrection and the fellowship of his sufferings being conformed to his death if by any means i may attain to the resurrection from the dead.
You don t have to be in fear over your family your children your finances your health or your future.
Resurrection is the miracle of miracles.
Fear was defeated in the pit of hell for you.
What christ s resurrection means for us is that we are raised to his risen life not to our old life.
When i say cancel i m not talking about denying the past as if it never happened.
When i was born again i received the very life of the risen lord from jesus himself.
The resurrection of jesus is god s declaration to israel and to the world that we cannot work our way to glory but that he intends to do the impossible to get us there.
Born with a very rare disease the eight day old baby never had a chance to live.
Resurrection power in you we were buried with him jesus through baptism into death that just as christ was raised from the dead by the glory of the father even so we also should walk in newness of life romans 6 4 the death and resurrection of jesus are the greatest events in history.
What is so powerful about jesus christ s resurrection.
His resurrection means that he has the power to convey his life to me.
God s power will cancel our past.
This he says is part of the surpassing worth of knowing christ jesus.