Mediocrity is the.
What does the idiom an elephant in the room mean.
Definition of elephant in the idioms dictionary.
See my list of the most common mistakes in english it will teach you how to avoid mis takes with com mas pre pos i tions ir reg u lar verbs and much more.
By painting the elephant in the same bold pattern as the room s wallpaper banksy emphasized the phrase s meaning by both making the elephant even more obvious and by giving those who chose to ignore it like the woman in the tableau an opportunity to pretend that it had blended into the wallpaper background.
Examples of this idiom in movies tv shows.
The elephant in the room phrase.
An obvious problem that no one wants to discuss.
Haiti s elephant in the room huffington post july 21 2010.
An elephant in the room definition.
The expression elephant in the room usually the elephant in the room or the elephant in the living room is a metaphorical idiom in english for an important or enormous topic question or controversial issue that is obvious or that everyone knows about but no one mentions or wants to discuss because it makes at least some of them uncomfortable or is personally socially or politically.
What does the elephant in the room expression mean.
Gentlemen you re not gonna sit here and pretend there s not a big ass elephant in the room.
See also seen the elephant.
Definitions by the largest idiom dictionary.
T he expression elephant in the room sometimes also elephant in the living room means a big issue everyone is aware of but which is being ignored because everybody finds discussion about it uncomfortable.
If you say there is an elephant in the room you mean that there is an obvious problem or.
Definition of the elephant in the room in the idioms dictionary.
The elephant in the room definition.
Something obvious that nobody wants to talk about.
If there is an elephant in the room it means that an obvious problem is being ignored put another way it is a noticeable issue that is not acknowledged or addressed.
An obvious truth that is deliberately ignored by everyone in a situation meaning pronunciation translations and examples.
The elephant in the room idioms by the free dictionary.
What does elephant expression mean.
22 jump street 2014.
What does elephant in the room mean.