Found 13 sentences matching phrase gort found in 5 ms.
What does the irish word rug mean in english.
A rug is a piece of thick material that you put on a floor.
It s a fine day begorra.
The english word comes from old irish cros via old norse kross.
8 very interesting origins of irish slang words those words.
Rug translation to irish gaelic and irish gaelic audio pronunciation of translations.
See more in new english irish dictionary from foras na gaeilge.
Coyne a kind of billeting from irish coinmheadh.
Because of this cóisireacht can mean sponging in modern irish though cóisir usually just means a party.
It was not long now till the red woman arrived at the place and found both the amadan and the cat lying side by side dead.
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The word originated in the 1750s to mean a despicable man according to the oed and came to mean a menacing supernatural creature in the 1820s and dried nasal mucus in 1891.
Is that it may be from the irish gabhal meaning junction fork or crotch.
The irish for an english person.
Crock as in a crock of gold from irish cnoc.
But here are just a few english words that have a very different meaning if you grew up in ireland and are strikingly different from standard english.
Hiberno english has a large store of words imported directly from the irish language.
Meaning pronunciation translations and examples.
It is like a carpet but.
Gort translation in irish english dictionary.