Ruby is a predominantly feminine given name taken from the name of the gemstone ruby the name of the gemstone comes from the latin ruber meaning red the ruby is the birthstone for the month of july.
What does the name ruby mean in greek.
Says the name ruby means jewel.
A user from mississippi u s.
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French baby names meaning.
The meaning of the name ruby is different in several languages countries and cultures and has more than one possibly same or different meanings available.
The name first came into wide use for girls in the late victorian era along with other jewel names.
Red a ruby jewel.
Lord of the rings will match names from the novel the lord of the rings this field understands simple boolean logic.
The different meanings of the name ruby are.
Ruby what does the name ruby mean.
Greek words for ruby include ρουμπίνι ρουβίνιο and κόκκινος.
According to a user from washington u s the name ruby means precious jewel.
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In french baby names the meaning of the name ruby is.
The description is the meaning and history write up for the name.