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What does uncont mat judgment granted men.
That judgment was signed on july 15 2014 and was sent to the county clerk on july 18 2014.
For more questions please call a.
I checked on webcivil website and it says uncont.
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Judgment signed means uncontested matrimonial judgment signed you my want to get a certified copy of the judgment as evidence that you are divorced.
Before a person or a company to whom you owe money can win a judgment against you they must first file a lawsuit in court.
A nderson p aralegal s ervices inc.
It says that this was signed on 7 22 2013 but it has yet to show up in the county clerk s office.
Helping individuals to help themselves.
The original question does not accompany your message so i have no idea what you are talking about.
If you ignore the lawsuit the court will enter an automatic judgment against you known as a default judgment.
A landlord will always seek a possession judgment when filing a claim against a tenant for nonpayment of rent.
Judgment granted does this mean i m divorced now.
On behalf of law offices of david bliven dec 29 2018 bronx divorce attorney.
Uncontested matrimonial judgment granted means someone got a judgment of divorce.
It means you are divorce and the case in now closed.
So even if the person or business that you have a judgment against does not have any income or assets today income or assets may be accessible in the future.
Judgment signed or granted or uncontested judgment signed or granted meaning the judgment of divorce has been signed by the judge.
Please explain if i am indeed divorced.
If a tenant does not pay the amount owed on a possession judgment within the allotted time then the landlord can file an order of eviction to have the tenant forcibly removed by a court officer.
You can get a copy from the county clerk s office.
I checked me divorce status it says uncont mat judgment granted and disposed.
Of course even if you file an answer to the lawsuit you can still lose the case.