The inclusion of agro industry by products originated from corn ethanol production has increased in animal nutrition in brazil reducing formulation costs.
What genes are responsible for marbling.
Emerging genetic tests can be useful in predicting marbling ability too.
A high accuracy epd is more informative than any single genetic test herring says but genetic test results are available immediately the industry expects much.
In conclusion the knowledge shows that gene expression is a metabolic factor affecting marbling and fatty.
However proving that could be tricky.
This study aims at identifying genes and biological pathways regulating marbling of muscle tissue in beef cattle based on publicly available transcriptomics data obtained from a study by sadkowski and coworkers 2014.
The ppi network for marbling was constructed from the proteins extracted by the data mining algorithms.
The inheritance of marbling can be explained by this theory.
Thus the akirin 2 akirin2 gene containing the c17 25 est sequence was considered as a positional functional candidate for the gene responsible for marbling.
Supplementary data 1 presents evidence of the relationships between genes and the marbling trait from the literature.
In this study we explored single nucleotide polymorphism snp in the akirin2 and analyzed association of the snp with marbling.
Since the edg1 is located within genomic region of a qtl for marbling sasaki et al 2006b yamada et al 2009a thus has been regarded as a positional functional candidate for the gene responsible for marbling.
Their fatty acids may also influence the expression of genes responsible to encode enzymes involved in fat tissue deposition influencing meat quality.
Many candidate genes have been suggested as responsible for marbling in beef cattle for instance diacylglycerol o acyltransferase 1 thyroglobulin growth hormone leptin and stearoyl coa desaturase.
In the literature there is no consensus on how the high inclusion of de oiled wet distillers grains can affect beef quality and the expression of lipogenic genes in longissimus muscle.
To check the accuracy we manually confirmed whether these genes are associated with the marbling trait.
Project summary background time on feed and grain based diets work in concert to increase the amount of marbling as well as the concentration of oleic acid in marbling and subcutaneous adipose tissues.
There is a lot of evidence to suggest that transposable genetic elements or jumping genes could be responsible for the marbling effect in betta fish.
Increasing marbling gene expression in beef cattle with dietary lipids.