Inside the new lamborghini huracan lp 610 4 avio.
What happened to faze rugs lamborghini huracan.
Lamborghini urus is the world s first super sport utility vehicle in which luxury sportiness and performance meet comfort and versatility.
It s the craziest thing i ve ever seen and i can.
Today i took my new puppy to the vet to get his shots and then i got a call from the owners of sd wrap saying something went wrong with my.
In depth exterior and interior tour exhaust.
Today i went to the car dealership to pick my new car.
He has iraqi heritage.
The 0 60 launch is crazy.
Faze rug was born on november 19th 1996 in san diego california.
Lamborghini or rolls royce.
Lamborghini is dope but the rolls royce is su.
The lamborghini huracán is the perfect fusion of technology and design.
2016 lamborghini huracan lp610 4.
Everything you need to know about a lamborghini huracan.
Faze rug s real name is brian awadis.
The only thing better than taking in this beauty from a distance is actually touching it.
So today i was training for an up and coming boxing fight with.
Full tour of my new lamborghini huracan 0 60 launch faze rug faze rug views 1 7m 3 years ago.
And then i come home and my lamborghini got destroyed in the most devastating way.
I want your opinions guys.
This car is so lit.
With its crisp streamlined lines designed to cut through the air and tame the road you ll get a thrill just by looking at it.
Thank you so much for supporting my decision with th.
The finest italian craftsmanship lavished on.
It offers best in class driving dynamics alongside its unmistakable elegance of design.