After you remove all the leftover hard gunk from the stain by using a spoon or blunt knife simply spray the windex on the stained spot and cover it with a clean preferably white towel and iron it.
What happens if you spray windex on carpet.
It s easy to pick up that bottle of windex and just start spraying and cleaning with it without thinking about what we are actually causing damage too.
Give windex a try if you ve got a tough stain like pet urine or blood.
Use a terry cloth to blot the saturated area until the excess liquid has been soaked up.
Apply 1 2 sprays to a swollen finger and after a minute you ll be able to slip your ring off.
Use a scrub brush to rub the windex and vinegar solution into the carpet fibers.
You will see the residues from the carpet being transferred to the towel as you iron.
Step 3 allow the carpet to absorb the two solutions.
Do not rub the stain as that will cause it to set deeper in.
Windex works as bug spray for ants flies stinkbugs and most other creepy crawlers you will occasionally find around the.
It does not make a difference which one you spray first as long as you spray one immediately after the other this method is effective.
Spray the vinegar on the affected area of the carpet then spray the same area with peroxide.
Step 3 use a scrub brush if needed to distribute the vinegar and windex solution into the fibers of the carpet.
Once your swelling goes down make sure to wash the windex off of you skin and jewelry.
If you re looking for new uses for old products you ve probably heard tales of windex carpet cleaning miracles.
We love windex for cleaning especially when it comes to cleaning things like mirrors bathrooms appliances and other assorted areas around our home that need a good fast clean.