Bulbous definition is having a bulb.
What is a bulbous tip.
A bulbous nose tip appears larger than an average nose tip due to excessive cartilage or nasal skin.
It is also a synonym for rhinophyma.
What is a bulbous tip.
In some cases the nose might also be upturned drooping or hooked as well.
This may result from poorly defined hypertrophic lower lateral cartilages with round shape of the domes skin quality and thickness cartilage strength fig.
The lower lateral cartilages refer to a pair of cartilage structures as depicted in the adjacent diagram.
How to use bulbous in a sentence.
Sometimes bulbous nose is not caused by any disease the round shape may be genetic.
Some of these patients might describe their nose as being too wide too big or too round.
The lower lateral cartilages are shaded red and are typically fairly similar in shape and size.
Another symptom of a bulbous nose is the appearance and increasing visibility of sebaceous oil glands on the tip of the nose.
In this case the tip of the nose has a round appearance although it does not grow a lot in size.
The other parts get progressively affected.
It could be the skin itself or the cartilage both of which can be removed or adjusted and the nose reshaped.
Bulbous tip is particular appearance of a wide nasal tip most often disproportional in width with the nasal dorsum.
Bulbous nose is a condition in which the tip of the nose grows in size and becomes round.
A bulbous tip is a round wide nasal tip that lacks shape and definition.
There are multiple causes for this and the surgery will be slightly different depending on what the underlying cause is.
Swelling begins with the tip of the nose.
A bulbous round nasal tip is a direct result of the shape of the lower lateral cartilages.