Multiple all are well regarded master craftsmen high enough to grace a guild hall craft from the finest materials.
What is a carpet maker in the canterbury tales.
Works for the guildsman.
The haberdasher dyer carpenter weaver and carpet maker.
The the canterbury tales quotes below are all either spoken by the carpenter or refer to the carpenter.
For each quote you can also see the other characters and themes related to it each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon like this one.
Canterbury tales characters dyer a person who changes the colors of fabrics using colouring substances.
The haberdasher dyer carpenter weaver carpet maker and the cook human nature inferences thoughts that the tradesmen are very obsessed with their wealth.
Very good at their jobs.
One of the five guildsmen in the canterbury tales.
Their wives wish to be in a high point in the church.
What do the haberdasher dyer carpenter weaver and the carpet maker all have in common.
Carpet maker most elaborate of all choosing the richest fabrics colours and designs.
He is part of the five guildsmen.
Terms in this set 23.
The cook is a drunk who doesnt care.
Very regal very opulent and since the job allows for a lot of sedentary work most likely a little paunchy.
He has a large sore on his leg.
The canterbury tales characters.
Weaver a weaver is known to be a person.
The london guildsmen of a great fraternity in the canterbury tales are representative of 14th century england s prosperous confident urban elites.
Controlled by their wives.
And they are lazy and selfish.
Reeve miller manciple pardoner summoner narrator summoner manciple reeve drunk spoke in latin always said the question is what is the point of law in latin angelic red face had carbuncles eyes narrow thin beard kids feared him loved garlic leeks and onions came.