Scalawag after the american civil war a pejorative term for a white southerner who supported the federal plan of reconstruction or who joined with black freedmen and the so called carpetbaggers in support of republican party policies.
What is a carpetbagger and a scalawag.
The opponents of the scalawags claimed they were disloyal to.
Words such as carpetbagger and scalawag are ideographs symbolic words so resonant with political imagery and meaning that they influence political behavior.
Carpetbagger referred to republicans who had recently migrated from the north.
Scalawag referred to southern born radicals.
In general the term carpetbagger refers to a traveler who arrives in a new region with only a satchel or carpetbag of possessions and who attempts to profit from or gain.
Following the american civil war if someone called you a carpetbagger or scalawag it wasn t meant as a compliment.
They comprised the majority of republican governors and congressmen.
In united states history the term scalawag sometimes spelled scallawag or scallywag referred to white southerners who supported reconstruction policies and efforts after the conclusion of the american civil war.
The term carpetbagger was used by opponents of reconstruction the period.
And a carpetbagger is a northerner who wnt south after the civil war for political or.
How to use scalawag in a sentence.
Hence someone intervening in the politics of an area with which they are thought to have no real connection while scalawag is.
As nouns the difference between carpetbagger and scalawag is that carpetbagger is politics history chiefly us an immigrant from the northern to the southern states after the american civil war of 1861 5 especially one who went south to gain political influence.
The fate of the carpetbagger and scalawag.
Politically the carpetbaggers were usually dominant.
Like the similar term carpetbagger the word has a long history of use as a slur in southern partisan debates.
Although carpetbagger and scalawag were originally terms of opprobrium they are now commonly used in the scholarly literature to refer to these classes of people.
A scalawag is a white southerner who works for or supports the fedaral government during reconstruction.