If you believe an item is outdated you can help out.
What is a gazebo worth on animal jam.
Animal jam classic formerly known as animal jam is an online virtual world that was developed by wildworks and is recommended for children aged 4 to 8.
Some of these items are in high demand by nature collectors.
As of 2020 there are more than 300 million registered users across both animal jam and animal jam classic.
Last updated 5 26 19 the spring festival prizes can be won from the spring festival adventure annually during the spring festival event.
Play wild item worth wiki.
Play educational animal games in a safe fun online playground.
On either side of the.
Animal jam fan ideas wiki.
If you play aj or ajpw our blog is here to help.
The gazebo is a members only den item.
The gazebo consists of a circular wooden frame that has a conical roof where vines with white flowers grow.
Last updated 8 18 20 the mailbox is a non member den item that was first released on july 19 2012 at jam mart furniture.
We provide all the latest news from the worlds of animal jam and play wild including updates on new animals pets items rares and even the best cheats and tricks that we ve found in the game.
Animal jam users wiki.
Last updated 9 7 20 theclown hairis a members only clothing item.
Animal jam stories wiki.
Animal jam is an award winning online animal game for kids.
It was launched in 2010 in collaboration with the national geographic society.
Animal jam item worth wiki.
It was first released on april 2 2015 and could be won as a prize in the spring festival adventure.
Spaceship walls this is extremely beta item is one of the the rarest of all betas there worth.
Most if not all items on this wiki are considered collector uncommon items if you wish to get the value listed you must seek a collector specifically looking for this item.
Its second release started on.
We compile many trade attempts in our public discord server which we use to update this site.
In animal jam classic players can discover and learn.
If you see a value you think is out of date contact a staff member with trade attempts to back up your claims or direct them to a thread comment section with valid attempts.
Animal jam art wiki.
It is has wide wooden planks for the flooring lighter wood for the frame and a dark wood roof than is slightly angled.
2 rare long spike collar or 1 black collar open sign a little more red brick walls a little more 2 mira statues 2 firepits 2 blue shag carpets 2 planet walls 2 yellow sweets 2 pink forest walls moon dirt pigtails 2 blue mechanical angel helmet.
Welcome welcome to the animal jam item worth wiki.
It was first released on june 3 2014 in the summer carnival shop at the summer carnival it was re released with new colors sometime during may 2017 and.