A1c goal advised by american diabetes association ada a1c goal of 6 5 or less is a more stringent goal.
What is a good a1c range.
Certain conditions such as kidney disease hemoglobin variants certain types of anemia and.
Some people may have a blood glucose test that indicates diabetes but their a1c is normal or vice versa.
The a1c test goes by many other names including glycated hemoglobin glycosylated hemoglobin hemoglobin a1c and hba1c.
For example if a lab report shows an a1c value of 7 0 the actual a1c value might range from 6 5 and 7 5.
For people without diabetes the normal range for the hemoglobin a1c level is between 4 and 5 6.
A normal a1c level is below 5 7 a level of 5 7 to 6 4 indicates prediabetes and a level of 6 5 or more indicates diabetes.
The a1c test result reflects your average blood sugar level for the past two to three months.
The a1c test can also be used for diagnosis based on the following guidelines.
Hemoglobin is a protein within red blood cells.
Hemoglobin a1c levels between 5 7 and 6 4 mean you have a higher chance of getting diabetes.
Hemoglobin a1c levels between 5 7 and 6 4 mean you have a higher chance of getting of diabetes.
A1c is based on a person s red blood cell turnover the lifespan of a red blood cell and the quantity of sugar attached to each cell.
If you have an a1c level of 6 5 or higher your levels were in the diabetes range.
If your a1c level is between 5 7 and less than 6 5 your levels have been in the prediabetes range.
Within the 5 7 to 6 4 prediabetes range the higher your a1c the greater your risk is for developing type 2 diabetes.
The a1c test measures the glucose blood sugar in your blood by assessing the amount of what s called glycated hemoglobin.
The a1c result depends upon how well you are maintaining your blood glucose level.
If you are managing your blood sugar at an optimal range 70 85mg dl 3 9 4 7mmol l at most of the time then your a1c be in the normal range 4 2 4 6.