They are soft bodied beetles that are commonly called fireflies glowworms or lightning bugs for their conspicuous use of bioluminescence during twilight to attract mates or prey.
What is a lightning bug look like.
Fireflies produce a cold light with no infrared or ultraviolet frequencies.
Some sowbugs are called pillbugs or roly polies because they roll up into balls when threatened.
Lightning bug larvae one of which is shown at the right have sickle shaped mandibles with which they can inject a kind of chemical that paralyzes their prey and helps digest it.
They re actually the largest group of animals on earth.
It has a dark colored soft body with brownish black wing covers edged with a light yellow to yellowish.
That s not surprising since there are more than 350 000 known species of beetles.
Lighntning bug larvae look like sowbugs which are not even insects.
Adult lightning bugs who can live for several months probably feed on plant nectar.
These are beetles in the family lampyridae which use a chemical reac.
Ah this is a good question.
Both fireflies and sowbugs have oval segmented bodies.
You might be thinking that lightning bugs don t look like the types of beetles you ve seen before.
Several larvae have been seen attacking large prey together.
The lampyridae are a family of insects in the beetle order coleoptera with more than 2 000 described species.
What you re calling lightning bugs i m assuming are any of a bunch of species of fireflies right.
First let s make sure we re on the same page.
Some adult soldier beetles resemble adult lightning bugs while sowbugs or pillbugs look like lightning bug larvae.