In fact all the marbling effect disappeared.
What is a marble betta.
So crossbreeding a marble and a solid colored betta fish will usually result in a spawn of mostly solid colored fish with a few marble patterned bettas thrown into the mix.
Sometimes however they marble for a very long time or even all their life.
Their colors appear blotchy and irregular often with a light pale solid body color with rich reds and blues creating a pattern.
A result of the.
Marble bettas are another very popular variation as they have an incredible color variation.
Bettas are also known as siamese fighting fish and under no circumstances should male betta be housed together.
The marble betta is likely a partial dominant although some believe that the trait is a partial recessive or a co dominant.
This freshwater fish has a labyrinth organ which allows them to breath from the surface but they are best known for their beautiful fins and color.
Male blue marble bettas are plakats shortfin and each possess a unique pattern of blue blotches on a white body.
They have a big chance of being marbled since cellophane white betta often pop up in marbled batches.
The blue marble halfmoon bette morphed or some would say mutated into something else.
Most of the time they stop after a while.
Look for white betta.
Because the marble gene is a transposon its color is unstable and often marble bettas will develop more or less color throughout their entire lives.
Butterfly betta are also common carriers of the marbled genes so s he might start marbling.
It changed from a blue white marble halfmoon betta into a halfmoon betta that is nearly solid blue.
Marble is a name for a transposon jumping gene.
Created in the early 1970 s by orville gulley.
2 marble betta fish marble.