Threshing floors were used to separate grain from the chaff at harvest time.
What is a threshing floor.
A threshing floor was a large open hard surface so threshing floors were often located on hilltops.
A threshing floor is a smooth flat surface that was used in the process of harvesting grain.
First the cut stalks of grain were spread on the threshing floor and a threshing sledge was pulled over the stalks by oxen.
What is a threshing floor answer.
Threshing floors crop up excuse the pun a number of times throughout scripture and there s something in this agricultural process that god is wanting us to think about.
A threshing floor is of two main types.
Before there was machinery farmers used a threshing floor to separate the grain from the chaff.
The words threshing floor does not exist in the kjv bible.
After bundles of stalks were laid on the surface of the floor oxen were repeatedly led over the piles until the dried plants were broken up.
So did a little study this morning.
The threshing floor is mentioned in many places in the bible it is the place where the wheat is separated from the grain.
The threshing theme is woven throughout the bible and in jewish thought.
In biblical days there was no machinery so after the harvest the grain was separated from the straw and husks by beating it manually.
I used to think i knew about the threshing floor but had never studied it out for myself.
Threshing is essentially dividing separating the wheat from the chaff.
But in biblical symbolism it also stands for a spot of purification and humiliation jesus was announced by john the baptist as.
The one who will baptize with the holy spirit and with fire.
Spiritual significance of threshing floor.
For this reason someone always sleeps on the floor until the grain is removed ruth 3 7.
There are dozens of references to a threshing floor in the bible some literal and some symbolic.
1 a specially flattened outdoor surface usually circular and paved or 2 inside a building with a smooth floor of earth stone or wood where a farmer would thresh the grain harvest and then winnow it.
In syria at the threshing season it is customary for the family to move out to the vicinity of the threshing floor.
This was usually a two step process.
The harvested produce would be spread over the threshing floor and then animals cattle or oxen would be led over it to crush and break the sheaves apart.
The sledge was a simple wooden sled or heavy board with stone or metal spikes on the bottom that would.