Carpe is the second person singular present active imperative of carpÅ pick or pluck used by horace to mean enjoy seize.
What is carpe diem.
However the actual phrase is not saying to ignore the future but rather to do as much as one.
A shortened version of the original latin phrase carpe diem quam minimum credula postero meaning seize the day trusting as little as possible in the future commonly used to justify spontaneous behavior and to make the most out of today because one doesn t know if they ll live to see tomorrow.
Pluck the day or seize the day phrase used by the roman poet horace to express the idea that one should enjoy life while one can.
Enjoy the present as opposed to placing all hope in the future.
Carpe diem is a latin aphorism usually though questionably translated seize the day taken from book 1 of the roman poet horace s work odes 23 bc.
How to use carpe diem in a sentence.