For example 5 2 in floor division is not 2 5 but 2.
What is floor division.
Floor division is division where the answer is rounded down.
Ordinary division with operator 2.
To round a floating point number look at the round function.
Division works differently in python 2 and 3.
There are two types of division operations in python.
2 5 would fit in the middle.
Floor division always rounds away from zero for negative numbers so 3 5 will round to 4 but towards zero for positive numbers so 3 5 will round to 3.
The floor function rounds a number down to the nearest integer if necessary and returns the result.
The resultant value is a whole integer though the result s type is not necessarily int.
The following example illustrates the math floor double method and contrasts it with the ceiling double method.
Remarks also referred to as integer division.
Floor division with operator note.
Division by a power of 2 is often written as a right shift not for optimization as might be assumed but because the floor of negative results is required.
But for floor division in python 2 int int int to understand m.
It basically cuts of the part after the period.
To round a number up to the nearest integer look at the ceil function.
The behavior of this method follows ieee standard 754 section 4.
Assuming such shifts are premature optimization and replacing them with division can break software.
In python 2 floor division is the default.
10 4 2 5 normal division 10 4 2 floor division.
If you imagine a room where 3 is on the ceiling and 2 is on the floor.
Floor division and modulo are linked by the following identity x x y y x y which is why modulo also yields unexpected results for negative numbers not just floor division.
The floor method rounds a number downwards to the nearest integer and returns the result.
This kind of rounding is sometimes called rounding toward negative infinity.
If the passed argument is an integer the value will not be rounded.