In other words it would become what is now called a black hole.
What is light body book.
There are documented cases in the ancient texts of at least 160 000 souls achieving this feat.
Light language is a form of sound healing which has the ability to reprogram our thoughts emotions physical health and even our dna one important function of the language of light is to reunite and integrate multidimensional soul aspects from parallel lifetimes incarnations and dimensions.
The light body can stay activated for long periods getting us closer to ultimate enlightenment but this final achievement of the rainbow body is intentionally difficult.
Pillai has done extensive research into this field and explains how to work on your lightbody the ways to attain a light body and how to access your lightbody.
The process of transition into light is a gradual one.
Light body sacred geometry activation your lightbody is a gridwork of light and sacred geometry that brings together your physical emotional mental and spiritual being.
We are not matter one day and pure light the next.
The ultimate goal is to turn your body into light and the key is to not view your body as being physical as we are all spiritual beings having a human experience within these shells we call the body.
A book about light language.
In the text revelations from an archangel ascension to the 12th dimension archangel ariel states that the entire crystalline structure of matter was.
Here our lord describes the eye as a lamp which lights the entire body.
As described in tibetan literary sources including the tibetan book of the dead the elemental energies that make up the cosmos are understood to be undifferentiated from those that make up the human body.
Includes invocations portions and helpful questions and answers.
Laplace withdrew his suggestion later after a wave theory of light became firmly established as the model for light as has been explained neither a particle or wave theory is fully correct.
This body radiates light energy and electromagnetically links your multidimensional self with the infinite universe.
The first nineteen breath light body merkaba activation presented assists in anchoring and activating the geometries of light of the star tetrahedron in particular and is the ideal place to start if you are unfamiliar with the light body merkaba activation as this activation links you into the christ consciousness grid and brings through the appropriate axiatonal lines as well as.
Sound has been used as a healing tool for centuries.
In this book tachi ren who is an angelic walk in articulates the lightbody process creating models technologies and meditations to support the ascension at every level.
Our energy fields are infused with and realigned to light gradually or else we would experience electrical burn out.
Therefore the body is simultaneously an individual person and the cosmic whole.