Slip is an aqueous suspension of a clay body which is a mixture of clays and other minerals such as quartz feldspar and mica the slip placed onto a wet or leather hard clay body surface by a variety of techniques.
What is maskall unslipped ceramics in maya.
Robert fry interrogates assumptions about pottery production and exchange with case studies from two regions using monochrome slipped bowls and unslipped jars the more ordinary pottery of the maya which has not been given as much attention in regard to these issues.
Utilitarian ceramic vessels form the bulk of artifact assemblages in the maya lowlands but little is known about their production beyond the likelihood that they were made in a domestic context.
Nearly all of the vessels in the calcite a fabric group are large jars of the alexander s unslipped ceramic group n 15 but it is also represented by thinner walled cayo unslipped jars n 4 a cayo unslipped bowl n 1 and monochrome red silver creek impressed serving vessel n 1 serving vessels see fig.
Mexico or guatemala maya lowlands earthenware with colored slips.
Bridging method evidence and theory for the interpretation of local production session at the 84th annual meeting of the society for american archaeology.
Louisiana state university lsu digital commons lsu master s theses graduate school 2004 hidden landscapes of the ancient maya.
Common ceramic forms during this time were open bowls or dishes and unslipped tecomates.
This is an abstract from the where is provenance.
Flect peten maya affiliation presumably because most pottery styles with the exception of glyph banded vessels more strongly re flect the group s cultural affinity than individual political.
Slipware is pottery identified by its primary decorating process where slip is placed onto the leather hard clay body surface before firing by dipping painting or splashing.
Ceramic provenance studies often focus on resource acquisition to address the question what is local overlooking the role that practice plays in vessel manufacture.
Although the lid fits well it is unlikely that it originally belonged to this vessel since the painting styles are so different.
There is a regional constellation of practice among non elite potters in the belize river valley.
Transect excavations at arvin s landing southern belize.
Late to terminal classic unslipped jars and monochrome serving vessels are produced in largely the same way.
By the locona phase there were several large villages in the mazatán zone some of which had large scale architecture elaborate ceramics and figurines imported obsidian and a well developed lapidary.
Because of issues of sample size fry unlike the authors of other chapters in the volume does not use type variety but this.