New light is a free to play version of destiny 2 coming later this year.
What is max light in destiny 2 forsaken.
You re probably familiar with the struggle that is chasing pinnacle gear to eventually reach the max power level and the frustration of getting everything but the one item you need for 3 weeks in a row.
The destiny 2 base game has a light limit of 305.
How to reach max light in destiny 2.
How gear levels work in destiny 2 and the max level cap explained.
Think of it as.
The max level players are currently able to reach is 50 which was introduced with destiny 2.
Curse of osiris raised that to 330 but warmind provided a more substantial jump with a cap of 380.
This is several levels above warmind and should give players a few good hours worth of.
This is what you can download on pc ps4 and xbox one and start playing immediately.
Copies of destiny 2.
Destiny 2 s gear operates with three different caps to work towards each.
But in case you re new to destiny 2 or are coming back to the game after a long break this is basically how leveling works in destiny 2.
Destiny 2 new light is basically the free to play version of destiny 2.
New light is the default destiny 2 experience the game s free to play version.
Max light level caps have increased for destiny 2 at least if you own the forsaken expansion this means you.
However forsaken took a huge leap raising the max light level to 600.
Doing the things in this guide will help you hit the ground running when this new dlc hits allowing you to level up fast to the new max level of level 50 and also increase your power level to.
Forsaken will come with a character boost called a spark of light in destiny to help new players quickly level up and get right to the dlc bungie said in an interview.
But bungie still plans on selling expansions and season passes for the foreseeable future.