Like i already said this wasn t a new concept to us.
What can i give jesus for christmas.
When you make your gift list don t forget to give to christ first.
Give to christ first.
We figured that also meant that if we wanted to give jesus christmas gifts we must give them to others who were in need.
Frankincense is the gift of priestly office.
Jesus said as you did it to one of the least of these my brothers you did it to me matthew 25 40.
Therefore i d like to propose three simple gifts we can bring to the little king this year.
Let us give christmas to jesus in the way that a deep and abiding joy marks our very soul because the christ child is so real to us not only in the day just ahead but in the days that follow the celebration of his birth.
He needs your love and obedience.
Gifts we can give jesus christmas beyond.
The gift of frankincense.
Don t stand by watching them grieve and live in sorrow.
By giving him your all this christmas you will reach others with the gospel that they too may receive god s gift.
If i were a shepherd i would bring a lamb.
Be jesus with skin on to people around you who are suffering.
Offer your friendship and compassion to those who are hurting.
Only when we accept the free gift of eternal life through christ can we know the true meaning of christmas the forgiveness of sin and life everlasting.
Happy birthday jesus i think you will like your gifts.
Lord jesus what can i give you poor as i am.
When jesus was born wise men came to offer gifts to the newborn baby the savior of the world.
Based on kirking s heartwarming song it shares the tender christmas eve conversation between mother and child about what to give jesus for his birthday.
Through sensitive illustrations memorable words and pure voices of mother and daughter what can i give jesus encourages all of us to give with a gracious heart.
Christ the high priest became incarnate to save us.
God gave his all for you.
Now if you re reading this blog you are probably quick to say that you already love jesus and try to obey him to the best of your ability.
1 of 7 gifts we can give jesus follow jesus wholeheartedly if anyone would come after me let him deny himself take up his cross and follow me mark 8 34 esv 2 of 7 gifts we can give to god read your bible get to know god better.
To feed him we must feed others.
Originally written for her own church s christmas eve service the cd has sold thousands and recieves radioplay on numerous stations.
Happy birthday jesus merry christmas everyone.
To clothe him we need to clothe others.
He doesn t need any things.
When we go to meet baby jesus in the manger this christmas none of us want to go empty handed.
Today we can t literally give a gift to jesus but we can give to causes that are close to his heart.
He doesn t need any more gold frankincense or myrrh.
So that when all the gifts have been opened and the trees taken down and the decorations put away we will know that we gave christmas to jesus we gave him what really matters.
Yet what i can i give you my heart and body and mind today and every day adapted from the hymn in the bleak mid winter by christina rossetti.
What are you going to give jesus for christmas this year.
If i were a wise man i would do my part.