Latinized form of greek οἰδίπους oidipous meaning swollen foot from οἰδέω oideo meaning to swell and πούς pous meaning foot.
What does rope mean in greek.
The beads if they are colored and at least a portion of the tassel.
In greek mythology oedipus was the son of the theban king laius and his wife jocasta laius received a prophesy that he would be killed by his son so he left the newborn to die of exposure.
Rape definition unlawful sexual intercourse or any other sexual penetration of the vagina anus or mouth of another person with or without force by a sex organ other body part or foreign object without the consent of the victim.
What does piss up a rope expression mean.
The prayer rope is commonly made out of wool symbolizing the flock of christ.
A prayer rope greek.
Cord definition a string or thin rope made of several strands braided twisted or woven together.
Piss up a rope phrase.
The traditional color of the rope is black symbolizing mourning for one s sins with either black or colored beads.
Definitions by the largest idiom dictionary.
Though in modern times other materials are used also.