Raft or mat foundations a raft foundation also called a mat foundation is essentially a continuous slab resting on the soil that extends over the entire footprint of the building thereby supporting the building and transferring its weight to the ground.
What is a mat slab.
Because of the complexity of the mat geometry and loadings corn products asked ambitech engineering corporation of downers grove ill to verify the design using pcamats and staad software.
Mat foundations are appropriate for light pre engineered metal buildings with multi span rigid frames and flexible walls.
In other words a shallow foundation.
The building then rests on this foundation leading to lesser contact with the land and hence more strength and stability.
And they are suitable for building on poor soil excluding peat and organics that is uniform in consistency.
Raft foundation is a thick concrete slab reinforced with steel which covers the entire contact area of the structure like a thick floor.
What does mat slab mean.
Mat slab foundations can be constructed near the ground surface or at the bottom of basements.
It is used to support storage tanks industrial equipment silos chimneys and various tower structures.
The total dead weight that will rest on this slab will be over 12 million pounds.
Raft foundation is mat foundation.
Sometimes area covered by raft may be greater than the contact area depending on the bearing capacity of the soil underneath.
It is a mat of concrete that sits on or just below the ground.
To support this engineers designed a 4 foot thick reinforced mat slab.
The mat foundation is also reinforced with many bars inside it which run perpendicular to each other.
Typically reinforced with a double layer of rebar throughout its pad a mat slab is capable of bearing loads at virtually any point and distributing heavy loads across an expanse of weak subsoil.
A mat foundation is a thick reinforced concrete slab supporting arrangements of columns or walls in a row or rows and transmitting the loads to the soil.
Mat slab foundations distribute heavy column and wall loads across the entire building area to lower the contact pressure compared to conventional spread footings.
It is a continuous thick concrete slab on the soil that extends the entire footprint of the building and increases the soil bearing capacity power.
Mat slabs are particularly well suited to sites on moderate slopes or where you will be cutting the building pad into a hillside.
Now what is raft foundation.
Information and translations of mat slab in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on the web.
Mat foundation is constructed as a large slab which works as the base for the building.